
Quality, Performance, Commitment, Integrity

Inland Ecosystems is a full-service environmental consulting firm providing expertise in environmental services, permitting and regulatory compliance, and natural resource management. Experienced and knowledgeable regulatory specialists and professional scientists are available to handle every aspect of your project.


Inland Ecosystems offers the following services:

  • Regulatory Permitting and Compliance
    CEQA/NEPA Compliance
    EIR/EIS Preparation
    Agency Consultation
    Endangered Species Mitigation Planning/Section 7 Consultation
    California Department of Fish and Game Lake/Streambed Alteration Agreement
    Clean Water Act Section 401 Water Quality Certification
    Clean Water Act Section 404 Wetlands Permitting
  • Ecological Research and Environmental Assessments
    Biological Surveys and Assessments
    Stream/Watershed Surveys
    Wetlands Delineation
    Ecological Research
  • Environmental Expert Testimony
  • Resource Management and Monitoring Plans
    Mitigation & Compensation Planning
    Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Programs
    Ecological Risk Assessments
    Integrated Resource Management Planning
    Habitat Conservation Planning
    Land Use Impacts
    Socio-Economic Assessments
    Cultural Resource Management
    Habitat Restoration and Revegetation Program Design
    Habitat Conservation Plan Preparation
    Restoration Plans
    Water Quality Monitoring
  • Construction Monitoring
    Best Management Practices (BMP) Plans
    Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP)
    Construction Mitigation Monitoring, Implementation, and Training
    Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasures (SPCC) Plan


Contact: Dr. Glenn Merron, President